Design & Consulting engineering Services
Comfort Systems are consulting mechanical design engineers. We can offer design of mechanical services plant for your building projects.
Comfort Systems offers complete design service of mechanical plant for building services such as ventilation, air conditioning, heating and cooling systems, extract ventilation, carpark ventilation etc. for your specific needs.
Commercial projects require detailed design, drawings and specifications for successful construction process. If you do not have specific design, the projects can run into problems and disputes. Councils are now very strict for compliance with relevant building codes.
Current trend for building consent by councils is to ask for complete design documentation while lodging for building consent. Councils require producer statements PS-1 design along with other documents. We can provide you with all necessary design and producer statement documents
Most important is to comply with all relevant building codes such as ventilation G4 and internal environment G5.
The design documents must show compliance with the specific building codes.
We can design to client’s brief and work in conjunction with other consultants such as architects, structural engineers, fire engineer, hydraulic/ water services consultant, electrical engineers etc. and can provide coordinated design documents.
We are member of Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand. We are also registered as authors for producer statements such as PS-1 Design, PS-2 Design Review, PS-3 Construction and PS-4 Construction Review.
All buildings require Code Compliance certificate. For retrofit and renovations, we can provide documentation required for Code Compliance Certificate (CCC).
Industrial Zone Buildings
For residential application, we offer specific design for buildings situated in industrial, high traffic area, high aircraft noise area etc. The building designed for these zones normally have windows but they can not be opened due to noise restriction. As a result, mechanical ventilation is required for houses, offices etc. situated in these zones.
Comfort Systems have designed such building ventilation systems to comply with council requirements.
For complete design services relating to your current project call us today on 09-267 5999 or 027-472 1368
Contact Us
Balu Mistry B.E. (Mech) MIPENZ
Ph: 09 267 5999
Mobile: 027 472 1368